29 May 2008

Thing 11: Del.icoi.us

I very much liked this tool that we learned in this thing. I can definitely see the potential for research assistance. Not only can you record websites that are found at home, work, or school for you own records but you can also link the websites and provide more effective networking on a topic. I, for one, have been in the situation many times where I find an excellent website but write the address incorrectly or save it to the bookmarks on the wrong computer. The website is then lost and I am unable to find the information again or to use the information that I found because I cannot cite the source. Not only does Del.icio.us allow a place to store this information but it also allows you to tag the site with keywords. This is an awesome feature. Instead of spending hours searching for obscure or out of the mainstream websites, I can just go to Del.icio.us and click on different keywords to see all the websites that others have tagged to them.
I looked at the library Del.icio.us websites and I must say that I am impressed. I think that this is a great tool for libraries as well as for personal use. Using it for a library allows us to put any websites that we may think customers will be interested in as well as commonly requested information. Not only would we be able to put various website link on the page but we can also tag them with keywords that patrons can click on if they would like more information on a particular subject.
I really liked this task and I think that I will use this one on a regular basis.

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