26 June 2008

Thing 22: What did I learn today?

I learned many new and fun things through 23 things. I really plan to continue using Facebook, LibraryThing, the calender features, and the list reminders. I think that all of these will really come in handy in the future and make life just a little bit easier. Especially for planning my wedding which will be quite the feat. I am not sure how much I will blog but I will try to keep it going.
I am also very much looking forward to going back to school (eventually) and using all of the research tools that I learned about. I think that del.i.ico.us and the databases will offer tons of support and information to ease the writing and research of graduate school.
I am glad to have learned about all these different things and eventhough I may not use all of them in my daily life, I think that it is good to know about them and to keep up with what the library patrons are into and use in their daily lives.

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